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How to Listen to Horace Silver 6 Pieces of Silver Rar: A Guide for Jazz Lovers


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THE REPUBLIC: THURSDAY. AUGUST 22. 190LTHE ST. LOUIS REPUBLICPUBLISHERS: GEORGE KNAPP OO.Charles W. Knapp. President and Gen. VgT.Oeorge 1 Allen. Vice Prastdoit.TV. B. Carr, Secretary.Office. Orrer Seventh and Olive Street.(REPUBLIC BUILDING.)TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION".DAILY AND SUNDAY-SEVEN ISSUES AWEEK.B- Mail-In Advance rostage Prepaid.One yearFix months J?Tiree months I ;Any three day, except Snnlay. one year. j"-Funday. wlUi Magazine "Fractal Mall Edition, SundayCu-dav Macarlne .. .BY CARRIER. FT. LOUIS AND SUBURBS.Per week, dally only ,T ''!!.!rT week, dally and Sundav- c'nlTtVICn-A-WBEK ISSUR.Published llondiy and Thursday one year...l TORemit by bank draft, express money order orregistered letter. RrprBuaSt. Louis. Mo-ETTleJected communications cannot be returnedunder any circumstanceEntered In thf Po.t Office In St. Louts. Mo . aareeeno"--las matter. ...DOMESTIC POSTAOE. TER COpV.Elrht. ten and twelve pares niEliteen. Ichteen -nd twenty par"-2 c-"-ts f t we er J centa fcr two papersTwenty-two or twenty-elsht pages S centaThirty paces J centsTELUTIIONE NCMBFTW.Hell. Tttnloch.Conntlra-.Rorn- Main "?1 A ITSEditorial Receptlon-Itoom....Park IS A 7THURSDAY. AUGUST U. 1MLVol. 94 No. 53jrr.v cincci.Tioif.W. B. Carr. Business Manager of The St.Louis Republic, beinjr duly sworn, says thatthe actual number of full and completecopies of the dully and Sunday Republlaprinted during; the month of Ju'.7. 1901.all In regular editions, wes as per schednlsbelow:Date. Copies.1 72,830S. 72,1008 72,07074,1505 72,2506 73,5307 Sunday.. 94,1008 71,540. 0 72.02010 71,10011 71,02012 71,310IS 72,06014 Snnday.. 91,69016 .'...71,400V1B 71,050Data. Cop.17 70,520IS 70,65019 70,60020 71,99321 Sunday.. 90,43022 71,32023 70,75024 71,35025 71,40028 71.23027 72,51023 Sunday.. 88,78029 .....72,77030 71,93031 71,350Tctal for the month 2.301,800Xss all copies spoiled In printing, left over or filedO.00TKetnnmber distributed.... 2,249,793Average daily distribution .... 72,573And said W. B. Carr further saya thattht number of copies returned or reportedunsold during the month of July was MSper cent .W. B. CAHB,Sworn to and subscribed before ma this)thirty-first day of July. 1901.J. F. FARISH.KoUry Public. City of St. Louis. Mo. Mjterm expires April 26, 1306.WORLD'S J 903 FAIR.STATE THE POINT.The Olobo-Democrat cornea forthBgaln with a flourish; also with an ariy of figures purporting to give theamount available each year for reduction of the State debt since 187L Theflourish is as usual pointing out nothing In particular.In order to get started toward an Issue, suppose the Globe states exactlywhat amount should have been, used Inthe Interest fund to liquidate, principaland Interest, the State bonded debt inthe period occupied.It might also come to a conclusion asto whether the School Fund certificatesare part of the bonded debt or not.By thus proceeding the grent financialcritic of the flcc-dog era may reach apoint where something is submitted thedecision of which will settle the contention of crookedness In Missouri Stateadministration.FRIENDS.Relations between Alton and St. Louishave always been so friendly that thesetting aside of to-day as a LouisianaPurchase Celebration day In the StreetFair of that city is perfectly In order.Representatives of the 'World's Fairwill make addresex. Excursion trainswill carry large numbers of people fromSt. Louis to Alton. The Interchange ofcourtesies shows that the comity ofcltiM Is no idle boast.Alton, while geographically in Illinois,properly enough regards Itself as beingentirely within the radius of the circleknown as St. Louis trade territory. In11103, the citizen of Alton who falls tovisit the Louisiana Purchase Celebration will have few to imitate him. This3 ear St. Louis people should begin thevisiting fashion by taking a look at Alton's Street Fair.WILL CHOOSE THE BEST.It is, as a matter of course, certainthat the World's Fair Board of Directors will finally dispose of the DirectorGeneralship question on the basis of thegreatest resultant good to the World'sFair.No other consideration enters into thematter. If It Is seen that the appointment of a Director General will increasethe promise of World's Fair success, aDirector General will be appointed. Ifit Is seen that better practical resultscan be attained by means of an executive council to conduct World's Fairwork, the executive council will be substituted for the Director General heretofore contemplated as the guiding Influence in the making of the Fair.The situation la simple. The World'sFair Board of Directors is striving exclusively for the fullest World's Fairsuccess. It decides all questions on thisbasis. It is on this basis that the matter of the Director Generalship will besettled.IS IT CARELE88XESS?Excise Commissioner Seibert seemswilling to do his duty in taking awaythe licenses of saloonkeepers who persist In violating the early-closing regulation. He has also declared war on alldisorderly places. His position has beentaken with the full understanding thathe would receive the moral support ofthe people of St. Louis.Chief Klely has said that he wishes tohelp the Excise Commissioner in everypossible way. In making that declaration, he spoke also for the departmentover which he commands. He.has let itbe understood that he favors a thoroughenforcement of the law.There has been violation of the earlyclosing order- Robberies' and usataltabare occurred la saloonaC In some cases,patrolmen have reported the dramshopkeepers. Eight of tlievs proprietors harebeen before Mr. Seibert for trial, inno case did the patrolmen offer enoughevidence on which the license of the salonkeeper could be revoked.There will have to be a change. Tatrolmen must learn that the public looksto them to do their part in enforcing thelaw. No dramshop-keeper should be reported unless there Is a reasonableamount or evidence against him. On theother hand, no violator of the law6houId be permitted to escape the penalty through the neglect or Ignorance ofthe men whose duty it is to see that lawand order prevail.CONTRASTED RECORDS."It Is strange." says the Globe-Democratin one of its typically dishonest otltorial attempts to avoid giving due credit for beneficent Democratic achievement, "tint the State bonded debt Is notpaid off $1,000 at a time, so as to permitthe Democratic papers to baUde eachtime that 'We are vindicated again.' "The Glolc-Democrat would unquestionably prefer to see the State bondeddebt paid off in small Installments of81,000 Instead of at the rate of jpioiUOOat a time, as has now but recently beendone. It would aIo relish an opportunity to hovvl that the entire Statedebt will not be wiped out by January 1,100.1. as is now certain under a wltand honest Democratic administration.These achievements embarrass theGlobe greatly. They render absurd tintrabid organ's charges of crookedness luthe management of the State finances.Rut the Democratic party in control inMissouri Is working for the people's interest, not to supply partisan camiiaigumaterial for Globe-Democrat ue. Democratic administrations hae been paying off the State bonded debt in bigchunks because it was a big debt. Itwas saddled on the taxpayers of Missouri by Republican misrule. Its totalexceeding $20,000,000, and for years !tkept this State under the burden ofheavy taxation. Even while this $20.000,000 debt was being contracted bythe Republicans the tax levy In Missouri was twice as great as that underwhich the Democratic party has paid offthe debt. About all the Globe can findto say, however, In discussing the matter. Is a dodgingly flippant word or twosuch as the above utterance In its editorial columns, intended solely to obscure the fact of Democratic service tothe State.The truth of the whole situation isthat the Globe-Democrat dares not seriously discuss the record of the wipiugout of Missouri's bonded debt. Thatrecord is a Democratic campaign argument of the most potent description.Missouri Democracy is glad to go beforethe people on such a record. Is the Republican party of Missouri willing tostand on the Republican record with regard to Missouri's bonded debt? It wasthe Republican party's control of theState which created the debt. It Isexclusively under Democratic controlthat the debt has been extinguished amithe tax levy reduced, at the same time,to just one-half what it was under Republican misrule.BUSINESS SENSE.In the determination of Kansas Cityto be represented at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition by a million-dollar exhibit may be seen the energy that isso characteristic of that Missouri city.If such an announcement were madeby any other city of 10.1,000 Inhabitants,It would be received with some allowance for patriotic Imagination. Not sowith Kansas City. The live businessmen and wide-awake citizens of thatsturdy metropolis never overlook achance to advertise. When it wasthought that a bare chance of securingthe National Democratic Convention existed, they went ahead and landed theprize. It took money and hard workand good generalship, but they succeeded. When the Auditorium burned a fewmonths after completion, the citizenstook another pull together and had anew one ready In time for the convention. When a few progressive citizensthought that there should be a park system commensurate with the natural advantages, the knockers were disposedof In short order. Anything that Kansas City wants it Is very likely to getwithout much delay.Mr. Charles J. Schmelzer, president ofthe Commercial Club, speaks by the cardwhen he suggests that the cattle Industry of Kansas City can easily bemade the leading feature of the display.Everything will be on a big scale. "Weshall have to do it," lie says. "Thatspirit which brought a national convention here will send to St. Louts an exhibit that will be second to nothing onthe grounds, with the single exceptionof St. Louis's own account. It behoovesus to put on our best bib and tucker andattract attention. We start a ball rolling here and everybody helps push Italong. A million, not n penny less, willbe spent before the first visitor is permitted to get inside our building."That Is the proper spirit. Kansas Cityknows a good thing. St. Louis takespleasure in noting the energetic plansoutlined by the promoters of that city.It will be dollars and cents in the pockets of the growing community at themouth of the Kaw.KEEP IT PROMINENT.President McKtnley's proclamation,announcing to all foreign Governmentsthat a World's Fair will be held In St.Louis In 1003 to celebrate the centennial anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase, and Inviting all nations to takepart as exhibitors at the Fair, officiallybrings that great undertaking to theworld's knowledge.It now remains for St. Louis to keepthe World's Fair of 1903 prominently inthe center of the international stagefrom this time until the event shall havepassed into history.There must be no slackening of interest anywhere on the habitable globe. Instead, there must be a steady growthand an unceasing development of Interest which shall insure the full successof the Fair from the standpoint of exhibits and attendance. The World'sFair of 1903 must be the biggest andbest ever seen. The people of all theworld must be made to know beforehandthat this achievement Is certain.The representatives of the World'sFair in foreign parts, the bureau of publicity, the directing machinery in general, should labor to this end. The Na-tional Government Itself, through Itsdiplomatic and consular service, will beof tremendous assistance, but theWorld's Tair management must primarily make sure that the World's Fair iskept in the public mind. There Is nomore Important work than this.MONROE DOCTRINE.Doctor Martinez Silva, the ColombianMinister to this country. Is confidentthat the I'nited States Governmentcherishes no imperialistic intention ofconquest In South America. "We feelsays he, "that we can trust Impliclty thehigh sense of right and Justice of theAmerican people."With some unimportant exceptionsthe press and public of Europe share theconviction that the I'nited States Government will not use the ColombianVenezuelan trouble as a pretext for territorial acquisition. It is understoodthat this Government will not exceedIth rights under the Monroe Doctrine ludealing with the existing crisis.These views are proper under the circumstances-,and their full Justificationby the American course now to be developed in South America must logicallystrengthen the Americau position beforethe world.We claim a certain sort of protectorate over the weaker Republics In theWestern Hemisphere. We shall not interfere In their affairs licjoml whatmay be necct-sary for the protection orAmerican interests. Our own forbearance adds to the strength of our positionunder that doctrine which commandsEurope to keep hands off the westernhalf of the world.The satisfactory settlement of the Colombian-Venezuelandispute on Ill'sbasis will reflect high endit on theFnited States Got eminent as In Ing eminently In keeping with the 1 "ie American spirit. There is no reason to beliet ethat the United States will Interfere between the two clashing South AmericanRepublics, save to protect American interests. The authority of the MonroeDoctrine will be vastly Increased by themaintenance of such an attitude.THE MAN AT THE WHEEL.It would be genuinely astonishing irthe fact now develops that the famous"loop" of the Brooklyn at Santiago wasthe result or an error on the part of theman at the wheel, instead of a deliberate maneuver for which due responsibility has already been accepted.Bluejacket Adams, of the Brooklyn'screw in the Santiago light, says that hewas stationed at the wheel throughoutthe conflict. When it was seen that theVlsoaya ttas) headed to ram the Brooklyn, the latter's navigating otlicer, Adams declares, gave the order to put thewheel "hard down," which would haveheaded the Brooklyn for the Viscaya.Instead, Adams put the wheel "hardup" and the "loop" was the consequence. It might !e just as well If BluejacketAdiuis testified berore the Naval Courtor Inquiry. He seems to have a significant btory to tell. It isn't a very reassuring story, however. The figure or anAmerican warship steersman so badlyrattled In a fight as to reverse his steering orders is not the figure of the typicalAmerican man-o'-warsman. Let's hopethat Bluejacket Adams was misquoted,or, at least, that he was talking throughhis hat when he told this story.As long as public Improvement billsare pigeonholed In the House of DeleKates, ever- appointment Indorsed bymembers of the combine that Is fightingthe city administration should be a matter for reconsideration.Now, If the Globe-Democrat wouldspecify the amounts that ought to havebeen applied on the State debt and towards the payment ot Interest, theremight be an lesiie to be picked out or allits generalities.World's Fair year will be n JubileeYear for Missouri. At Its very dawnthe last dollar of the ?lii,uuo,imj cteutfnsteneil on the State by the Republicanparty will be paid off by the Democraticparty.Modern commercial necessities havemade the demolition of the old MasonicTemple advisable. The erection of athirteen-story sky-scraper in its placemakes the loss of a landmark a distinctgain.Under Republican misrule Missouriwas saddled with a bonded indebtednessof over $20,000,000. Exclusively underDemocratic rule the last dollar of tillsdebt will bo paid by January 1, 1903.The Glasgow Exposition has been Inoperation three months and has paid nilexpenses to date. It might be well forSt. Louis managers to get some pointersfrom the sensible Scotch.Missouri Democracy has paid theState bonded debt with a tax levy onlyhair as great as that Imposed by Missouri Republicanism w Idle the latter wascontracting the debt.All the great newspapers of Europewill print the President's World's Fairproclamation to-day. They should bekept plentirully supplied with World'sFair news hereafter.To-day the tide or travel should be Altonwards. St. Louis will express Itsgood wishes for the Twentieth Centurycelebration by sending visitors bytrain and ship.It makes the Globe-Democrat awfulmad that Missouri Democracy Is nowabout to extinguish the State bondeddebt created by Missouri Republicanism. St. Louis clearing-house returns aroJust twice what they were six years ago.Indications point to even a largergrowth within the next six years.Germans quartered in the Tlen-TslnUniversity will neither move nor payrent. Imperial tricks are sometimesdrawn from squalid sources.French newspapers believe that we'reabout to grab the Isthmus of Panama.It's human nature to Judge others byyourself.If the Brooklyn's loop at Santiago wasreally a steersman's mistake let's allshake hands and make friends.If Missouri's third party is looking fora name it might well call itself the Kilkenny Cftta party.MRS. ANDREWENGLANDI I l isaaaaaaaaMsssaissssassssssaiaaaassssassssaassssiMiiSPSaaatl atasssiasSssssiaaassiasssSSSSiatMatlaaatlaasHaflaaaVTn.' t9MSaMiHHHMHjHHaHHHMtalM&&- SaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaiaBBBBBTaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBBT V0aBBBBflaBBBBBBW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkaaaaBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV1 BBatjBatjBatjBatjBatF SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbIraaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaHrHailaaBBBBBBBBBBa ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBfT 'aBBBBBBBBBBBBaiVJ raBBBBBBBBBBBBBVPnRBBBBBBBBBBBBBB - i. BBBBBBBBBBBBBK. ISBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI 1- laBatBBBBBBBBBBBBBfs. uSBBBBBBBBBBBa SB) atBBBBBBBBBBBBrj fatSBBBBBBBBBBBBBH r&- SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBn ' f--JVBaaBBBBBBBBH SF aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBV- -.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal Vs.Ccb BaBBBBBBBBK WMM S .BBBBBBbEL ,. IBBBBBBBBBBBBbI ffjXV: SbbbbbbbbbbB ---: Jbbbbbbbbbbb1 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV j&bkW. -XbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI C"L-J BBBT aSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK - TaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBt "gBf- BSBBV aSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal&. tBBBBBBBBBBVs'.BBBBBBBBBf ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBbMM1 ' BBBBBBBBBB1 rfV, .iaVlsMH HiVfaBH9s.a..sH Ife VCJW,W JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV .tSBBBBBBBBBBMK. AND MKS. FKEDERICK A. Vt'AXX,Who were nmrriori in England jesti-rday. Mrs. Waim was Mrs. "Warren of St. Louis and Mr. Wami alsoformerly residid in this city.A "peciil eab'ecram to The Ilepubllc lastnlcht announce.1 the marriage of Mrs.Amlrew Warren of St. Loul to Mr.Frederick A. Wann. formerly of this city,the ceremony taking place at lilsh noon Inthe town of I-aminBton. Knejland. whereMr. Varrrn has six-nt a portion of theFummer.Several members of the lirlile's familvwere present, amonc them belns herdaughter and on. Miss Carrie Kay Warrenand Mr. Van Court Warren. Itelatltes ofMr. Wann who wltne-'d the ceremonywere Mr. and Mrs. Thom-i Cooke. Mrs.Cooko being Mr. Wnnn's sNter: Ml I'led-iCooke. Ijdy Hirlmd of London and Ml-sMary Purcell. both of whom are couin,and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wann ol NewYork.TT-e bride ha lived in Paris for the Iatj ear. going abroad with lier daughter andson Immediately after the death of herfirst husband. Andrew Warren. She Is amatron of distinguished presence, and haslong been the admiration of her friendsbecause of her skill in the selection ofgowns. Some jear ago the Warrens entertained much, and the handsome mansionat Xo. 4W1 Delnnr toulevard. was oftenthe scene of brilliant functions. Thisgaiety, however, was discontinued duringPLAYHOUSEC7 'aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal''' laBBBlaSL2-T--3 ' " BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVrBt3 ' SBBiMaBBBBBBBBBBB-' aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKaBBBBBBBBBBV'-4- Wi iC'fM23 iBBBBBBt SbBBBBIEEE3-A aaBBBaBBBBKBaBBBBBBP-V' 'UsaaUaBBBBBlBBBSZ .BaBBBBiaBBBBBBBPl5P- - . MLaBBBBBal S5-HtaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT' '' 'mBtZ 'W1 TMKr X fS?BBBaaalBBBar- -.ataK J$h ? f'JmtSi '1 T -i.-. C---BBaardaBBBBBV" f iM S&& ?&i2ir tStVJmL-SiBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBF fiAL'' jS3&VfiTCtJ BaBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBf jisMBBBC. 's0fjaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBr ifeV -sOGEORGIA CAIXE.Xora In Nixon & Zimmerman's production of "The Messengep Boy." Paly'sTlH-iter. New York. September 111. Miss Caine made a decided St. Louissincecs at the Centary Theater In "The Olrl from Paris."THINGS ON VIEW ATTHE THEATERS THIS WEEK.One of the popular airs Just now Is thatof "My Laly Hot.entot," sung by the PonyHallet nt Forest Park HlcliUnds. Thlj Isthe llrt stanza of It:In Attica there lives a Quwn.feh. ah. my Hottentot: Sh. h. my HottMHoUTh darm on I've er wen:With ejra that fairly dance with Iyre.And wh'n the tilrflu hae gone to sl'epSh. ah. ny Hottentot! Sh. fh. rar Hottentot!Then to her hom I quickly creep.To terenade my duikr Dove.Oh. how hr ejea do ahlne with l-e dlilne.right Into mine!And ahe peema to aa) :ritaae loager itay. doa't go awajAnd If I aik. does ahe Uwe mi true?Bb aaya, I love ou. dear. I do!ItcrilAIN:For he'a my Ijdy Hottentot.She'a my axet h oriet-tnr-not.She la the oce I mottly pilae.Sh hai auch drraniy .And from hr tide III neier pirt.bhe baa a mcrtrol- n m heart.The blrda that i. ! ou '"e cuMy Lady Hottentot!This is the last week of the "Ponies" atthe Highlands. The "Ileaux and Bellesshare popular favor with them, and thetrick ticjele riding of the Merrills is ancther feature.Next week "The Girl with tho AuburnHair" will bo the head-liner, and the octetwill hold over Other new vaudeville actswill take the place of the rest of the olio.O'Brien and Havel, who are here for thefirst time, are scoring an emphatic hit atthe Suburban. The Vlson City Quartet,composed of the same joung men who havebeen ween each ear in the minstrel showsat the Wellstcn resort, rrote u strong feature. v.hlle the fifteen Japanese performers. Hal Davis .ind company. Sharp andFtatt and Arra ami Alice add varistj to awell-selected programme. Ccok and benoraand Lorls and Altina head the list for nextweek. Louise Gunning and Kay U Iloyceare also scheduled.Master Archie Guerin. a church choirsinger whom M MIddleton discovered inChicago recently, la the bit ot the openingbill at the Columbia. Tfce boy sujgs threesongs and take several encores. JaneCourttope nnd Untie Walters each havotwo supporting people wltb them and present entertaining tketches. Other performers are: La Belle Carmen, Burton andWARREN IS MARRIED INTO MR. FREDERICK A. WANN.Mr. Warren's long illness, and since Mideath Mr Warren hai lived abroadMr. Wann was a wiJower of about twoears standing He Is quite as well knownIn St. Iuls as his hrlde. It-lng for manyears connected with the freight department of one of the railroads, and latterlypromoted to gere'al freight agent, withheadquarters at Chicago.After a short eontlnentil trip. Mr. andMr". Wann will return to America and takeup their residence in Chicago.The engagement of Mis Laura (laresclieand Mr. Clitsttr IJ. White of Cadet, Mo.bas leen made known to relatives of thejoung ieopIe the lapt few dajs; also the nilnciurcemfnt that their wedding will takepi-ice on Octob r 15Mls C'iresche. who I a daughter of thlate K. A. II. Oaresche. and wt.o lives atJcnnjngs with her mother, has spent thesummer in Atlantic City, returning about iweek ago. Her oungir flter. Miss Adelaide Garesche, will make her debut thisfall.Mr. White Is well and favorably known inSt. Loui. Tor seven! ears he has leent-ngaged In mining enterprises at Cadet,Mo. and has lived there with his motherand steter. This winter Mrs. White andFAVORITES.Brookes, the Prosper Troupe. Milt G- Barlow. Gay and Hall, and AI Waltz.Next week's bill includes Dorothy Morton. George W. IesKe and Irfiula WillisHepner, Joo riynn. the N.ivarros. I.'zzlsnvans and Harry Mills. Knight Bros.. -,.r-denand Shepherd, three Constantine Sisters, tic Lamolnes. Lennon and Mclntvrc.and Hermann.The Btar.d-ird Theater opens Sunday withthe latest burlesque. "Topsy Turvy." Theplot of the play Is based on the shipwreckof n theatrical company en vojage from theVnlted States to the Philippine Islands, theship. Topsy Turvy. on which they aretraveling. leirg wrecked off one of thels'anc's."The Trlncess Bonnie" will be the bill atDelmar Garden to-night and will continuethroughout the week, with the exception ofthe Saturday matinee, when "The Wizardof the Nile" ! to be revived. In "ThePrincess Bonnie." Maude Lillian Berrl Is tot-ing the role of the Irincess. Frank Moulan,Slirlmpj. and Miss Agnes Paul will appearas Kittle Clover.Maurice Freeman and Nadlne Winstonwill appear in "Dixie Land" at Uhrig'sMRS. JOSEPH C WHITTAKCR.Who was Miss Mary Ellen Wicker.4aBBBBBBBBBBsBBBW'aW aBBBBBIBBBBBV' .ASV-S -tSawsBBHrBNiP' dvy ft$?SSsXLVIbBBBBBBBBBbSE - IBBBBbVVL BPsiaBBX 4BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa?VWflaaaaaBBBSalBBaBrY ' BBBBBBatisBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaVVAX1 vlaaaaBBBsK- aaBBBBBT sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK 1 ffWbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbP bbbbbbbV Vt I sbbbbbbbbbbbWV 3'7'fBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaTV BBBBBBBVf lv 4BBBBBBS A-'-aaBBBBBBV'-- fcaBBBBaVJ- vV " M9T-Jamf-VVaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTSr.- " '74PAaKBBBBa m .BaaL aBBBaW ' f MVPl-lBa QBBBaaiaSaBBBBBBBBi .BBBBBafvMrfW1 v35BP vvLbbbbV 'ySV& -"K H - &r BBbV. sVVsBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBPrMiss Gertrude White will come to St. Louis,vl.ere they have many friends.Mls nirdl Noble has returned from a VisIt Jn Milwaukee and Chicago.Mls I.ucy Kenney. No. 1111 rairmounta-.cnae. Is sr-enilirg the week with friendsIn l'Hhn. IdMr. and Mrs. Morris OIaer are arrivalsof the week at Narrngansett l'ler.Mr?. Annie Itaplev will depart to-day forDuffaio and New- York.Miss May K. Abrams. No 2310 Hell aver.ue, is spending several weeks at Okawville. 111.Mis Virglnii Pendleton is spending themonth at Macatawa Iieacb and GrandHaven. Mich.Mr. W. V. Kberle and family. No. SSISHartford street, are at Diamond MineralSprings.Auditor Dierkes and daughter. Mls MarieDlerkes, will depart to-day for a fortnight'svisit in New York City. From New Yorkthey will go to Buffalo. Mr. Dierkes hastwenty days' leave of absence.Cave next week, beginning with the Sundaymatinee. "Sapho" Is the current offering,with Nadlne Winston as Fanny Ie Grand.Comedian John Itnvold will have abenefit at Koerner"s Garden Friday night.He goes to New York soon to begin hisregular season. "Caste" Is being givennightly by the Hanle -Bavold World's FairStock Company. Next week's bill will, be"A Parisian Komance."Edvln A. Clarke of the Delmar OperaCompany will go to Chicago Saturday toJn'.n tfce Savage "King Dodo" company.Harry Luckstone succeeds him. MusicalDirector Frank Darling aIo leaves ths;IVlmor organization soon to commence hisengagement for the winter. ConductorItautenberg will then lead the Delmar orchestra. The Imperlil will open for the sasonSeptember 1. "In a t oman's Power." theinitial plav. Is- a stirring drama of theGovernment Secret Service. This plavhcusjhas been newly decorated and generally Improved. "The Minister's Son" has pleased at Hav-lln's-thlsweek. W. II. Patton has a funnyrole In the character ef the son. "The Denver Express." which Is to come to Harlin'nwith the matinee of Sunday. Is realistic ofearly frontier life on the plains. ManagerGaren announces that it will be set withrew effects, mechanical as well as scenic.One of these Is the attack mad en thetrain bv n liand of Apache Indians- underthe leadership of three of their chiefs and arenegade white, an English adventurer. Thetrain effect Is said to be one of the best yetobtained.The management of Delmar Garden Thea.ter expects thtt 300 visiting merchants andmilliners will be In the audience to-night.FIRST WEDDING AT LAWTON.Trooper and Illinois Girl Marriedat the Xetv Town.nEPPBIJC SPECIAL.Wichita. Kas . Aug. H--The first weddingof the rew Oklahoma country wis solemnized at lAwtnn Saturdav. and the happvocuple are now in Wichita spending theirhcnemoon. The parties married were FredII. Voes. a trooper of the Eighth Cavalry,stationed nt Fort Sill, nnd Miss Anna Dvkeran of Amboy III. They will live nt FortSill, which Is Just adjoining I-awton.TWO tVKlJllIMSS AT StLKM.IlErUItUC SrKCIAL.Salem. Ill . Aug. IL Two marriages1 tookplace In this city to-day: August Zelglerand Miss Lulu Browning, both of Centralis,rnd Eugene S. King and Miss Louisa Rels,twth of Boulder. Jifttee O. F. Evans officiated at both marriages.niNoitAM vnAni.E.itnrunuc special.Btov.nln. Mo.. Aug. It. A. C. Bingham.Jr. member of the Curtor Furniture Company, nrd Mls Tim Venable. a milliner ofthis city, drove to Milan thl afternoon andwere married.W Kit COOPEH.JIEITBLIC SPECIAL.Butler. Mo.. A ig It. laac Wjer andMis Fannie Cooper were married here to-' a FIT7.PATRICK CI.EMMEXS.r.EPUIILIC SPBTIAI-Marshall. Mo. Aug H. Professor JohnV. Fltzpatrlck and Miss Elizabeth Clemmenswere mtrrled last night at the CumberlandPresb terl-n Church by the Reverend JohnBacon of Springfield.n ikeii M-n' specialJJtchfleld III.. Aug. II. Mr. Robert Bakernnd Mls Araandi Nevlns were marriedhere Wednesday afternoon.It ILLS MILLER.iiErrnLic spei alCnirc. 111.. Aug. II. William E. Ralls andMrs. Josle C Miller of Olive Branch, thiscounty were msrrled at the Courthouseto-day by Judge William S. Dewey.DEAF MITES MVRIIV.nnruBLic spec uFort Smith. Ark.. Aug. H. Thomas R.Lane and Mrs. Armella Wadley Curtis weremarried to-day at the home of J. FrankShufford. The contracting parties are deafmutes, and the ceremony was performed bythe Reverend Job Turner, missionary to thedeaf mutes of the South.JOSEPH CHRISTY WHITTAKER.IOWA DEMOCRATSSELECT A TICKET.All-Da v .Contest Over the Adoptionof the Kansas CitvPlatform.ADVOCATES OF SILVER WON.Platform nrieflv Reaffirms thaKansas Citv Declaration andTlien Deals With StateIssues The Ticket.Des Moines. la , Aug. a. The Democratsof Iowa, in State convention to-day. nominated the following ticket:Governor Thomas J. Phillips of Ottumwa. Lieutenant Governor G. E. Fergusun cjLogan.Judge of the Supreme Court John Shortley of Dallas County.Superintendent of Schools W. p. Johnsonof Carroll County.Railway Commissioner A. C. Brice ofBedford.The platform reaffirms- the national platform adopted In 10 nt Kansas city, andcontains a plank on State lsues. demanding reform in taxation Ijws. repeal of themulct liquor law and enactment of a localoption license law.Flcbt Over Silver Plank.The chief contest In the conventlnn maon the adoption of the platform. ThoMruggle began In the district caucus heldly the convention assembled in the morning, the anti-silver forces succeeding Innaming a majority cf the committee onresolutions. There was a nrotracted sessionof this committee, and In the afternoon amajority and two minority reports weresubmitted to the convention. The majorityreport Ignored national Issues entirely forState matters. The first minority reportagreed with the majority report except laa preamble, which reaffirmed the KansasCity platform. The second minority reportdiffered from each of the others In its preamble only, which set forth that State Issues were paramount In this campaign. The)first minority report affirming the KansasCity platform was adopted on the call ofthe roll by counties amid much confusionby K3'i to S50.Committees Conld tot Aarrec.E. M. Sharon of Scott County waa temporary chairman of the convention. Hlaaddress was confined to a general discussion of party policies.Committees were appointed and a deadlock at once developed over the platform.An adjournment was taken until S o'clock.At the afternoon session. Mayor JohnM. Redmond of Cedar Rapids waa selectedfor permanent chairman.Mr. Redmond, on taking the chair, delivered a short address, discussing nationalcurrent political Issues and counseling harmony with the party, in order to be betterable to battle with "the common enemy."National Iaaaes Iamorrd.The Committee on Resolutions submittedthe majority and minority reports. Tbmajority report was read by CommutesChairman W. l Cleveland of Harlan, asfollows:ftrsolied. Tfcat the fundamental principle ofDemocracy. "siual righta to all and apecialrrtrlleges to none." applies In full fcrce to theaubject ct taxation. The Democratic partr beIletea that the burdens of taxation should betome equally by all taxable property. Wpledge Democratic membera of the General Asaembly to formulate and urge the adoption ofsuch a law aa wilt compel the burdens of taxation to ret on corporate and Individual property alike, without favor or exemption cf demand economy In administration of Statsaffairs, the rspral of the mulct law. tht enactment of local option law. the abolltlcn of offices of Plate Printer and State Binder and tocontracting for supplies for the Stata wltb theloweat responsible bidder.We ccnllally InMte all honest men of thFtate to unite with ua In aecuring the enactment cf theaa prtnerptea Into law.Kansas City Reenajnlaed.Former Congressman Walter H. Butlerpresented the minority report, which wasidentical with the majority report, with thaaddition of the following preamble:We. the Democrata cf Iowa. In contention' assembled, hereby reaffirm the principles of tilDemocratic national platform adopted at Kansas City In 1. and. without surrendering curconIctlona or abating our loyalty to our national polldev. we believe thla campaign to bparticularly oa that subject confined to State Issues. This was signed by Claude Porter. WalterII. Butler and John J. 8. Serley. Mr. Butler moved the substitution of the minorityreport for the majority report, and addressed the convention In favor thereof. Hewas enthusiastically cheered and It waaplain to be seen that a large portion of thadelegates were In favor of Its adoption.Devoted to State Iaanea.D. W. Hamilton of SIgourney presented asecond minority report, signed by himself.E. W. Illgbee and John L. Powers, with thefollowing preamble:We, the Democrats of Iowa, tn conventionaisemblrd. make the following declaration efprinciples:We bold that In this campaign Stata Issuesare paramount, and while not retracting or repudiating any paat declarations ot the Democratic party, we deem It our dntr at this time,waiving questions of national policies, to addressourselves to the redemption of Iowa from Republican misrule. ... , ..First Minority Report Adopted.The convention then proceeded to ballotupon the suggestion of the first minorityreport for the majority report, the ballotresulting as follows: For the aubstitutlon.9 3-S: against. E50 2-5. the result being theaffirmation of the Kansas City platform.The result waa greeted with much applause.The convention then adopted the platformas a whole.tamlnar a TIeket.For the nomination for Governor, thanames of Horace J. Stiger of Toledn andT. J. Phillips of Ottumwa were presented.On the roll call scattering votes were castfor J. M. Redmond of Cedar Rapids, CatoSells of Vinton, General J. B. Weaver ofColfax and George W. Ball of Iowa City.The first ballot resulted as follows: Stlgcr.5G2: Phillips, 5: Redmond, 3); Weaver. 13;Ball. 10.The second ballot nominated Phillips, asfollows: Phillips. 5954; Btlger. 5834.For Lieutenant Governor. O. E. E. Ferguson of Harrison County was nominatedby acclamation.For Judge of the Supreme Court. JohnShortley of Dallas County was the onlycandidate, and was named by acclamation.For Superintendent of Public Instruction.Samuel D. Whiting of Iowa City. W. P.Johnson of Iowa County and Logan Steecoof Burlington were placed in nomination.The ballot resulted In the nomination ofJohnson by a large majority.For Railway Commissioner. ex-Consul A.C Brice of Bedford was nominated by acclamation. The convention then adjourned s-ne die.ARKANSAS'S CASH ACCOUNT.Over One Million in State Treasurer's Vaults.rtEPCULIC SPECIAULittle Rock. Ark.. Aug. H. Expert Accountant Rees Hogans to-day completed thecount of cash In the vaults of tbe StateTreasury and reports that there was onhand at the close of business on Saturday.August 10. a total of SL153.E08.3. the largest,amount on hand at one time In the historyof the State.During September over tWO.000 will be paidout on schools and pensions.CHILE-REFUSES FUNDS.Will Not Pay Expenses of PanAmerican Delegates.Santiago de Chile. Aug. 2L The Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Chamberof Deputies has refused to grant thefunds necessary for the representation ofChile at tha Pan-American CoagTSSS. ts) Mheld In the City of Xexlco..V.i..UivVsJ,-"-- '

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